Crazy gay pride outfit ideas

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This year marks 50 years of Pride, so it seems only fitting that .uk goes above and beyond in our ongoing LGBTQ+ support, through a wealth of content that not only celebrates all things Pride, but also share stories, take time to reflect and raises awareness for the community this Pride Month. The entertainer also matched her old Lady Marmalade collaborator Mya in neon yellow at one point, showing off a lace-print outfit with carnivalesque feathers at the bustle, while Mya went for feathered sleeves and some of her colleague’s infamous chaps.Ī mini-reunion of the Lady Marmalade stars from the 20001 track, which also featured Pink, Lil’ Kim and Missy Elliott, had been teased prior to the event and the duo did not disappoint fans.Īlongside other performers Syd, Chika, Michaela Jaé and Rebecca Black, the crowd of 25,000 attendees also enjoyed a DJ set from OG reality TV star Paris Hilton, kitted out in silver sparkles with her own bodysuit and sunglasses. She was also seen enjoying herself in a pink latex costume featuring what looked like pink cone-shaped nipples, which she held in her hands as she stuck her tongue out.

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The singer played around with cone-shaped additions to oen fo costumes, which looked a lot like breasts (Picture: APEX/MEGA)

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